Must be 7 digits. Currently Entered: 0 digits.
Please enter the student's 7-digit numeric ID number.
Please use the student's Northwestern email address.
2025-26 Academic Year Aid Review for Loss of Income: Type of Situation
Your response to the questions in this section will help guide you in submitting your request. Please respond to all of the questions in this section. Select "Yes" for the category that best describes your situation. You may select more than one, if applicable. Please complete all fields related to your choice, and attach all requested documentation.
A parent had a change in employment status or income *
Please indicate the type of change in employment:
A parent received untaxed income that has stopped or been reduced in 2024 (for example child support). *
Your parents have separated or divorced since the original application for financial aid. *
There were extraordinary medical expenses in 2023 that were not reimbursed by insurance. *
There were extraordinary medical expenses in 2024 that were not reimbursed by insurance. *
Besides those described above, do you have other circumstances to report in this form? *
This box has appeared because you have answered "yes" to the "other circumstances" question above.
This box has appeared because you have answered "yes" to the "other circumstances" question above. IF you are unsure of what documentation to submit, please consult with a financial aid counselor prior to submitting your request to avoid processing delays.
This section describes the additional information required when you have reported your parent(s) has become divorced or separated.
If you have already submitted the parent(s) 2022 federal tax documents, you do not have to re-submit them.
If you have already submitted the parent(s) 2022 W-2s you do not have to re-submit them.
Are/will the parent receive unemployment compensation? *
Medical Expenses
Loss of Untaxed Income
Projected Parent Income 2024 and 2025
Please complete all fields below
In the event of job loss, please wait 8-10 weeks before submitting this form.
Expected wages earned by Parent #1 for calendar year 2025: *
Expected wages earned by Parent #2 for calendar year 2025:
Expected Severance in calendar year 2025: *
Expected Unemployment Benefits in calendar year 2025: *
Expected Worker's Compensation in calendar year 2025: *
Expected Interest/Dividend Income in calendar year 2025: *
Expected Child Support in calendar year 2025: *
Expected Social Security Benefits in calendar year 2025: *
Expected Payments to Tax Deferred Plans in calendar year 2025: *
Expected Other Income in calendar year 2025: *
Describe source in text field above.
Certification and Signature
Parent Certification Statement: By typing my name and checking the box below, I certify by electronic signature that I am a parent of the above named student and, to the best of my knowledge, the information I have provided on this form and any documentation I am providing to support this information is true and complete.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.